Youtube Playlist mit 7 Videos

Mad World

"When this piece started playing on sense8 my heart just melted.. Its absolutely beautiful and soulful~"

"gosh this is music! nothing beats pure music that relays strong emotions without the aid of words"

"I was brought here also by Sense8, I can't stop listening to this. It is incredible the place were your beautiful piano version takes me, Marius, honestly, thanks a lot."

"I don't remember where I originally heard this song but at the time I had fallen in love with it! When I just heard your version on Netflix's Sense8 I was blown away! The song is so hauntingly beautiful being played by yourself!" [...] Absolutely Beautiful! Thank You for this Gift! I will be playing it many times over!

"I had to say sorry to my repeat button... I think I clicked it to many times... But who cares when Im listening to this beautiful piece. Well done."

"I love your's so beautiful..."

Kommentare zu anderen Videos

"I had goosebumps... i played through my speakers and dammit my mom and sis' jaws dropped..."

"This is proof that music is magic. Absolutely beautiful!!"

"best piano version so far!"   Video

"Its intriguing to see you play, and for the most part, you don't look at your hands. . In a sense, your ears are closer to your hands than your eyes. That's amazing."    Video

"This is just beautiful. You have a wonderful talent. Excellent job!"  

"wow. unglaublich! ich hab tränen in den augen. Extrem toll gespielt. ich liebe es"  

"Angeber ;-D"  

"I looooove it : )"  

"wirklich klasse sehr schönes Lied zum Gänsehaut kriegen..."   Video

"Affengeil! Nur ein wenig zu kurz..."  

"Endlich mal echte Kerle!!!!"   Video

Youtube Playlist mit 7 Videos

Mad World

"When this piece started playing on sense8 my heart just melted.. Its absolutely beautiful and soulful"

"gosh this is music! nothing beats pure music that relays strong emotions without the aid of words"

"I was brought here also by Sense8, I can't stop listening to this. It is incredible the place were your beautiful piano version takes me, Marius, honestly, thanks a lot."

"I don't remember where I originally heard this song but at the time I had fallen in love with it! When I just heard your version on Netflix's Sense8 I was blown away! The song is so hauntingly beautiful being played by yourself!" [...] Absolutely Beautiful! Thank You for this Gift! I will be playing it many times over!

"I had to say sorry to my repeat button... I think I clicked it to many times... But who cares when Im listening to this beautiful piece. Well done."

"I love your's so beautiful..."


"I had goosebumps... i played through my speakers and dammit my mom and sis' jaws dropped..."

"This is proof that music is magic. Absolutely beautiful!!"

"best piano version so far!"   Video

"Its intriguing to see you play, and for the most part, you don't look at your hands. . In a sense, your ears are closer to your hands than your eyes. That's amazing."    Video

"This is just beautiful. You have a wonderful talent. Excellent job!"  

"wow. unglaublich! ich hab tränen in den augen. Extrem toll gespielt. ich liebe es"  

"Angeber ;-D"  Video

"I looooove it : )"  

"Danke für diese Version des Liedes, die mich auf ihre ganz eigene und besondere Weise zusätzlich zu all den Worten berührt hat."   Video

"I can't explain how deep feels this song, Is a sort of magic that even in absence of words is possible to feel a history, a place, an emotion. Thanks marius for this music. "  Video

"Endlich mal echte Kerle!!!!"   Video

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